You Are Important!

Kevin Myles
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


There are a couple of things that you should know and believe about fitness. The first is that following a fitness lifestyle is extremely important. You are making an investment in yourself. What you will get out of following a fitness lifestyle goes way beyond what you might initially see or expect. It goes beyond a visual change, improved health, increased energy, and better quality of life. Many of the things you get from fitness are difficult to measure. The process of becoming fit allows you to become the best possible version of yourself, mentally and emotionally as much a physically. It’s something that has to be lived to be fully understood, and if more people knew about it they would have a lot easier time starting and embracing a fitness lifestyle. The importance of fitness is so much more than can be measured from the outside looking in.

The other thing I want to make sure you understand is how important you are! You deserve to be prioritized and treated in the best possible way you can treat yourself. Most people seem to have no problem investing in others. We invest in our jobs, spouses, children, education, cars, gardens, churches, etc. But many feel hesitant taking the time and making the effort and commitment to do something for themselves. Just as fitness is important, you are important and you deserve to have all the positive benefits it can bring you. By investing in yourself through fitness you are investing is everyone and everything you care about because a better version of you will only make things better for all those around you. Doing this for yourself is also doing it for others. Taking the time to exercise, eat right, practice health improving activities, and have a positive outlook on life is something you should do because it’s important and because you are important.

For many, a big obstacle to becoming fit has to do with self-worth. It is an issue that stems from our own natural insecurities. In regards to adopting a fitness lifestyle, all too many people worry not so much is “it” worth it but if “they” are worth it. A lot of people seem to lack a personal sense of self-importance and don’t feel that they are worth putting the time, effort, and energy into. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Even if you don’t see it or feel it, your value to yourself and the world around you is so great that it is impossible to measure. Small changes in your life and a new focus can bring out qualities in you that you weren’t even aware of. All it takes is a little self-investment to begin unlocking the rest of your potential and to put yourself in a position where your greatest attributes can easily be seen. Confidence, self-esteem, helpfulness, patience, knowledge, compassion, determination, and many other characteristics which you may not even know you posses are ready to rush to the forefront of your life with just a little encouragement. It may seem amazing to you that just being more fit and healthy can cause all this to take place, but once you start down the path of fitness you will begin to see and feel many great changes taking place. The greatest thing is that well before you reach your final goal, you will know that a positive transformation is taking place.

Once you understand these things, then it all gets easier. Once you begin to see your value and how fitness can bring out and enhance the best parts of you, then you start rising to a new level. You discover your own power and your ability to take not just yourself, but anyone around you, to a new level. Yes, there is diet and training information to learn and put to use. Yes, sometimes you will need a motivational shot in the arm. But if you always remember how magically powerful fitness can be, and how uniquely special and deserving you most certainly are, the rest will fall into place and travel with you on the road to wherever you choose to go.

My book: The Diet That Works



Kevin Myles
Kevin Myles

Written by Kevin Myles

Owner/Publisher of, author of The Diet That Works. Multi-certified training/nutrition specialist, fitness course creator, and physique coach.

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