Strength From Within — A New Approach To Fitness Success!
As you know, achieving true fitness success can be a challenge. Even when we think we are doing everything right, the results can often lag behind the obstacles. For some, fitness is an uphill struggle. But the benefits of fitness are more than worth the efforts involved. What can be challenging however is making sure you get and keep of all those benefits.
True fitness success is not just about changing your weight or how your body looks. It’s even about more than improving your health. True fitness success allows you to bring out your best mental and emotional self along with your physical improvements. It is still possible to have your dream body on the outside, and not feel complete or whole on the inside. True fitness success should ideally allow for and develop personal growth along with physical improvements.
I am very excited to announce the launch of a new, unique fitness program! The Strength From Within program is the brainchild of my longtime fitness associate April Van Hoose and I am pleased to partner with her to help bring it to life. This is an 8-week online fitness education course delivered through the amazing Yescourse platform. It goes beyond most fitness courses in that not only does it include cutting edge training and nutrition information, but also focuses on the mental, emotional, and spiritual side of fitness. This course is about helping you reach your desired fitness level via providing you with the necessary tools for a complete transformation involving mind, body, and spirt.
Each day for 8 straight weeks students will receive access to a new fitness lesson that educates and motivates them along the path to success. Plus they will have an ongoing opportunity to interact with and ask questions of myself and April at any time within the course. The course platform creates the perfect environment for a personal fitness journey to really find the answers needed to ensure success. April pulls from her personal experience of feeling that something else beyond just a physical change needed to happen for her to be truly complete. She shares her journey of discovery with you in this course via intimate writing and video lessons to help you understand what it truly takes to create success.
In almost 40 years of training I have had the pleasure of training and coaching people at every possible level of fitness (My Bio). Some of them succeeded spectacularly while others, even when given the same information (or more) struggled and never seemed to be able to make it work. There is a reason why certain people excel when others do not. This course teaches you what I’ve seen work best, beyond just the X’s and O’s of diet and training, and it includes the key factors that must take place if you want to make the desired improvements plus be able to keep those results once you attain them. This course will help you find the answers you need and make the changes your require to get the results you want.
Strength From Within will be my 10th launched Yescourse (Bodysport University) but my very first collaboration using the platform. I am extremely pleased and thankful to April and the amount of hard work and time we were able to put in to bringing this course to life.