Rebuilt Bikini Training -Building a Future!

Kevin Myles
6 min readOct 15, 2018

Jenny Doty is one of the new breed of trainers. She attacks fitness with a passion from all angles and has educated herself to become a legitimate fitness professional very quickly. Jenny’s in the trenches every day working with clients to make their physiques and their lives better by helping them successfully follow a fitness lifestyle. She practices what she preaches by pushing herself in the gym regularly to reach even higher levels as she pursues her own ambitious fitness goals.

Jenny has experienced a lot in a relatively short period of time and is in position to comment on fitness from a number of different perspectives. Recently she transitioned from student to full time professional. Jenny went from working for a gym to working for herself as an independent trainer by launching Rebuilt Bikini Training. She is a fitness entrepreneur who is also an NPC bikini athlete, online trainer and coach, and student of the game. Jenny understands the value of knowledge and experience and offers some helpful insights to other trainers who may also wish to go independent. Her passion pushes her on an accelerated path to success and her future is bright because she is determined to make it that way.

Bodysport: How did you first get involved with fitness and exercise?

Jenny: I first got involved with fitness when I made the choice to begin my own transformation. It was simple, I felt uncomfortable in my body and wanted to make a change. The now very well known founders of Tone It Up, Karena and Katrina and their online platform were my introduction into the fitness industry and what made me fall in love with the lifestyle.

Bodysport: What made you decide to become a fitness trainer?

Jenny: I decided very quickly when I realized how much more there was to the physical transformations, including the depth of the overall transformation in who you are. It teaches you patience, dedication and gratitude, but most importantly how to value yourself. Those aspects on their own then influence every other aspect of one’s life.

Bodysport: I understand you just recently graduated from College, what was your field of study?

Jenny: I graduated from California State Polytechnic University Pomona with my B.S. in Kinesiology — Exercise Science. I would recommend their program to anyone looking to further their education in this industry!

Bodysport: How does studying fitness, whether through pursuing a degree or certifications, compare with actually working in the trenches with clients?

Jenny: The routes you can take when studying fitness are endless, whether they be through a degree, certification, or seminar, our options are wide spread and that is a fantastic thing. I think no matter what, taking the time to study the field and the human body is an absolute necessity when it comes to credibility, sufficient programming, and skill set as a trainer. It also helps one find their niche and specialize in a specific population they enjoy working with. On the other hand there is always something to be said about the ability for someone to correctly apply what has been learned while working in the field to ensure the individuality of each client’s needs are met and goals are reached. You also need to be able to adapt to the varying personalities and conditions of the people you are working with all of the time. A lot of this just comes with experience and you get better at building these relationships and meeting these needs as you go along.

Bodysport: Last year you competed in some bikini fitness shows, how was that experience for you?

Jenny: I did competed in two NPC shows with the one and only Kevin Myles as my guide! I loved it. I had taken Kevin’s Contest Prep Coaches Course and shortly after contacted him for additional guidance preparing for the stage. It was an incredible experience and a blast! It’s relieving and impressive seeing the body’s ability to transform when you train it properly. I was overwhelmed with gratitude after the experience.

Bodysport: Did being onstage and putting ourself out there to be judged change your insights on training and working with others, or was it pretty much as you expected?

Jenny: I think everyone has this small sense that they are being judged by the ones around them no matter what. For me, being onstage after all of your hard work and being at the peak of your physicality honestly made it easy. In my head I was walking on the stage thinking “Look at what I did! This is the best I have ever looked in my life!” because you are at the end of your transformation, not the beginning. I think in terms of working with others, getting them past the beginning stage is the hardest and most curcial part. Where they come to you feeling an overwhelming sense that this is actually the worst they have ever looked/felt in their life and they need help. As a trainer that is where you come in and need to be by their side. They need to know change starts now, that them reaching their goals and feeling better than they ever have is absolutely a reality and they are in the process. That is a beautiful thing!

Bodysport: Recently you’ve moved from training clients as a gym employee to being an independent trainer. What prompted you to make the switch?

Jenny: My professor from Cal Poly actually put the idea in my head. He had shared his story in class one day and I simply felt inspired and wanted to hear more of what he had to say. We talked and after he heard where I was and my mindset at the time, he told me to seriously consider it. Within a few months I was the sole proprietor of my own business.

Bodysport: What’s the name of your business and where are you located?

Jenny: The name of my business is Rebuilt Bikini Training! I am currently located at Reign Training Facility in Corona, CA. It is a beautiful facility that offers mentorship, media, and a high traffic location in a rapidly expanding area which is becoming a local favorite. If you are not only looking to go independent but do so with a multitude of resources and improve yourself as a business owner, there are qualified helping hands to assist you to do so if desired.

Bodysport: What are some of the challenges of going out on your own as a trainer and how does this compare to working for someone else?

Jenny: I see the answer to this question in one statement: The success of your business is a direct reflection of how much time and effort you are willing to put into it. You are your own business owner now. If you want to see your business thrive you have to put in the time, energy, and research into building it into the platform you desire. I see this as the biggest challenge as well as the biggest benefit!

Bodysport: A lot of trainers have contemplated going independent. What are some key things you’ve learned from this experience that you could offer as information or even advice for someone who seeks to do this?

Jenny: You need to be comfortable being uncomfortable, being rejected multiple times, but being able to learn from each experience as a way to better promote yourself and your services to your community. I think if you have a following of clients and/or are able to make that strong human connection with someone right off the bat, make the move.

Bodysport: Where would you like to see yourself in the next 5–10 years?

Jenny: In the next 5 years I see myself moving my business to the beach area while continuing to provide my personal training services… but on a much larger scale.

I have a lot of plans in the books and am excited for what’s to come.

Bodysport: How can someone contact you or find out more about your services?

Jenny: You can contact me at 951–515–0590 or as well as any social media pages! I’d love to have you.
Instagram: @rebuiltbikinitraining
Facebook: Rebuilt Bikini Training

Bodysport: Thank you Jenny!

(Photos courtesy of Jenny Doty — click on image for full size)

Check Out: The Contest Prep Course!

Check Out: Making Money With Fitness — How To Be A Fitness Entrepreneur!



Kevin Myles

Owner/Publisher of, author of The Diet That Works. Multi-certified training/nutrition specialist, fitness course creator, and physique coach.