Days, Weeks, Months, and Years!
Recently one of my fitness clients asked me what she should be looking for in the mirror each day to know that she is doing everything she should be doing. After reassessing her goals with her, it struck me that a lot of people don’t really understand how to evaluate their own progress. They have a difficult time knowing if they are making improvements and understanding just how much and how fast they should or shouldn’t be changing. This can easily lead to a lack of commitment and frustration and that’s the last things you want to have happen.
There is very little you’re going to see in the mirror or on the scale day-to-day in terms of progress. Instead, you should focus on doing the things you need to do to create that progress. The body is always changing, even when it’s tough to see. Keep believing in the process and putting in the work and give it the proper amount of time.
In 3 years you can virtually re-invent yourself. In 3 months you can make a very significant change. But sometimes, especially if you’re trying to do more than one thing at a time, the changes will be more subtle. In 3 weeks you can certainly see improvements, but in most cases you won’t have reached your ultimate destination. In 3 days, 3 hours, or 3 minutes - in terms of seeing permanent positive changes - it’s not going to happen. But those days, hours, and minutes are when you make it happen! That makes them even more important because they will determine the success that you’ll have in the future.
If you want the greatest success then you should focus on doing the things you need to do today and give everything the proper time needed to work. Then, make the adjustments that your body needs for you to make as you continue. Ultimately you will be able to see your progress. Use tools like the scale, the mirror, monthly pictures, and monthly circumference measurements to help guide you. Most importantly, know that it’s through taking those day-to-day individual small steps that you will create your future success. Know that if you are putting in the work in your training, diet, and lifestyle, you are on your way to being exactly where you want to be.
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